We are pleased to announce our partnership with C&T Publishing, who has picked up the Just Wanna book series, which is now called the Just Wanna for Maker series. The first of four books publsihes on September 25, 2023.

Join our JW Makers Group!
And it's free!!!
Want to play with us? We have lots of ways to do that!
Just Wanna Trademark for Makers Application Workshops: buy the book and attend a workshop!
Contract Conversations. Be part of the making process as we think through what makers need to know about contracts (Just Wanna Contract for Makers forthcoming, 2025)
Potentially be a guest on the podcast, Just Wanna Quilt! It's fun!!!
And so much more!!!!!
Our earlier self-published books
These are still available as we transition to publishing with C&T.
Just Wanna Create

Want to learn copyright and fair use? This is the book for you! With over 350 pages, you will learn copyright from Dr. Townsend Gard, Professor of Law at Tulane Law School.
Just Wanna Patent

Have an idea for an invention? Take the first steps with this book! Written by a patent expert and scientist, Ricardo Gonzelez will take you through a prior art search and more!
A Bit About Us
Our History
We began publishing our Just Wanna Series in 2018, and at our first trade show, we sold out in the first hour. We realized the need out there: real information that fit the needs of entrepreneurs, artists, quilters, and others. We started with quilting (yes) and have expended out. In our first year, we have published 7 books, and have plans for more. Just Wanna means real legal information when you need it. We also have started workshops that supplement the book. And there will be more resources soon to come. Just Wanna... yes, we understand. We wanted to too.
Note: we offer legal self-help books. We are not a law firm, and we do not offer legal advice. We are not attorneys.